Parastoo Anoushahpour, Faraz Anoushahpour, Ryan Ferko, Felix Kalmenson
The Sculpture Centre, Cleveland, presented by SPACES | November 11 – December 17, 2016
Combining original footage shot in the Windsor-Detroit area, with testimonies from the online community seeking to document and silence the mysterious vibrations of the Windsor Hum, this project considers the limits of visualizing and describing sound. Simultaneously, it investigates the methods of “signal-to- babble” clinical hearing tests, which assess how individuals understand speech when confronted with background noise. The works make use of signal-to-babble words and sentences in the context of the Windsor Hum to create an anxious, at times irrational narration, that results in an experience of communication breakdown against a babble of noise. As an exhibition, Signal to Babble (The Hum) focuses on the narrative tension in the search for sound, where technology is able to prove its existence as a fact, but where structures of power disallow that technology from specifically locating that sound’s origin. It is in this gap that fact and fiction are obscured, and myths grow and perpetuate.
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Signal to Babble (The Hum), installation view documentation
Exhibition information
- Solo exhibition at The Sculpture Centre, Cleveland, presented by SPACES Cleveland, November 11 – December 17, 2016. Produced with the support the Ontario Arts Council. Exhibition info:
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Parastoo Anoushahpour, Faraz Anoushahpour, Ryan Ferko